Visit MAD Today 10 am–6 pm

Megan Canning

2015 Artist In Residence

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Megan Canning’s deep fascination with the various systems of the human body stems from a long interest in memory and how our bodies gather information through the five senses. She began incorporating hand-embroidery into her paintings nearly fifteen years ago because she was attracted to how stitching literally pierces the ‘skin’ of the canvas, creating an orderly surface with a messy underbelly.

At MAD Canning is working on a new series of contemporary tapestries that combine hand-embroidery, painted silk, and soft sculptural elements. Her aim is to create "intricate, sensual pieces that evoke the mystery and beauty of the inner workings of the human body."

Canning received her BFA in Art Education from Ohio University and her MFA in Painting from Hunter College. Her work has been exhibited, published, and collected throughout the United States. For more information, please visit her website:

Join Megan for a Drop-in Embroidery Circle

Friday, November 13: 6 – 8 pm
Friday, December 4: 6 – 8 pm
Friday, January 22: 6 – 8 pm

Visitors are invited to bring their own projects to work on or practice various stitches with Megan.  This is an informal, friendly and fun opportunity to see embroidery through the lens of contemporary craft and design. Basic instruction available for beginners.  Supplies are limited, first come first serve.

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